Bogazici University                              IMBM                              IMBM                              IMBM

Recent developments in symmetries and (super)gravity theories

June 13-15 2016

Istanbul, Turkey

Organized by

Istanbul Center for Mathematical Sciences (IMBM)


Boğaziçi University


Feza Gürsey Center

with generous support from the Turkish Mathematical Society


The focus of this workshop will be on recent developments in symmetries and (super)gravity theories. A small group of experts of all ages and nationalities will be assembled to catalyze stimulating discussions and exchange of ideas on these topics. Note that due to limited space attendance is by invitation only.






Boğaziçi University

Boğaziçi University


  • Walid Al-Masri (Koç University)
  • Glenn Barnich (Universite Libre de Bruxelles)
  • Eric Bergshoeff (University of Groningen)
  • Aybike Çatal-Özer (Istanbul Technical University)
  • Jumageldi Chariyev (Boğaziçi University)
  • Nihat Sadık Değer (Boğaziçi University)
  • Keremcan Dogan (Koç University)
  • Tekin Dereli (Koç University)
  • Behzad Ergun (Un. of Texas at Austin)
  • Hadi Godazgar (University of Cambridge)
  • Mahdi Godazgar (University of Cambridge)
  • Daniel Grumiller (Technical University of Vienna)
  • Jelle Hartong (Universite Libre de Bruxelles)
  • Ali Kaya (Boğaziçi University)
  • Seyma Kutlu (Boğaziçi University)
  • Ilies Messamah (Boğaziçi University)
  • Delaram Mirfendereski (Boğaziçi University)
  • Zainab Nazari (Boğaziçi University)
  • Mehmet Özkan (Koç University)
  • Todor Popov (Koç University)
  • Fabio Riccioni (Universita di Roma)
  • Jan Rosseel (Bern University)
  • Cihan Saçlıoğlu (Sabancı University)
  • Özgür Sarıoğlu (Middle East Technical University)
  • Shahin Sheikh-Jabbari (IPM Tehran)
  • Dieter Van den Bleeken (Boğaziçi University)
  • Cem Yetismisgil (Koç University)
View from IMBM

View from IMBM

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There will be a social dinner the evening of Tuesday June 14th at the Iskele Restaurant in Çengelköy.

Hagia Sophia

2nd Bosphorus Bridge

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Venue: The workshop takes place at the IMBM (Istanbul Center for Mathematical Sciences) which is located on the south campus of Bogazici University, indicated by an X on this campus map. One can find more detailed information here . The adress of the university is

Boğaziçi University South Campus (Boğaziçi Universitesi Güney Kampüs) 34342 Bebek, İstanbul, TÜRKİYE

Accommodation: Istanbul offers a wide variety of hotels. For those not staying on campus we suggest to choose a hotel in the Taksim/Tunel area, at walking distance of the metro stations of either Taksim square subway station or Şişhane subway station (google maps). For hotels closer to the university you can search in the Levent/Etiler/Bebek area.

From the airport: Both airports in Istanbul are connected to the metro, you can find more information how to directly get to the campus from the airport here Taking a taxi is of course the most straightforward option and there are designated taxi cues at both airports, don't take an arbitrary taxi just passing by.

Taxi: Tell the taxi driver to take you to Bogazici University (say: 'Boazichi'). He will take you to the main entrance, labeled as "Zincirlikuyu - Bebek St." on the campus map. From there you can either walk, or continue with the taxi, keeping right at the fork, until you end up at the main square. Note that cabs run on meter, we do not tip cab drivers in Istanbul. From the Taksim area a trip should cost around 40-50TL, from Ataturk airport around 70-80TL. In general it is adviced to take taxi's from taxi stops instead of those simply passing by in the street.

Public Transport: General information about public transport can be found at http://www.iett.gov.tr/en. Most convenient is using the metro-line to the university. This line connects the university with the Levent metro station, which itself is connected by metro with Taksim square. For detailed information see this short presentation. Once you leave the subway station turn right, after a few meters you will easily recognise the university gate, it is labeled as "Zincirlikuyu - Bebek St." on the campus map. In addition to the subway the 559C (RUMELİHİSARÜSTÜ-TAKSİM) bus leaves every 10 minutes from Taksim square to the university, this takes about 50 minutes. The stop BOĞAZİÇİ ÜNİVERSİTE is next to the Etiler Gate of the university.

Eating on and around campus: There will be lunch at the Faculty Club (Kennedy Lodge) every day. For people staying at the university housing we suggest Teras Kantin, building 10 on the campus map, for breakfast. For dinner there are many restaurants in the Rumelihisarüstü neighborhood (which is by the Etiler Gate of the University): Hazal Ana (kebab), Dalyan Balık (fish), Yenice (home cooking), etc. The Etiler Gate is labeled as "Zincirlikuyu - Bebek St." on the campus map. Or one can walk down to the Bebek-Hisari street, at the bottom of the campus map, next to the Bosphorus and explore the Bebek and Rumeli Hisari neighbourhoud.

Electricity: Turkey operates on 220 Volts, 50 Hz, with round-prong European-style plugs that fit into recessed wall sockets/points.

Water: Most people don't drink tap water in Istanbul. You can buy 0.5-liter bottles of water for 1 TL.

Tipping at restaurants: It is optional. Most people tip around 5-10 %.

Exchanging money: It is very easy in Istanbul. In Taksim and Sultanahmet, you will see many exchange offices. They do not charge any commission. The spread (i.e., the difference between the buying and selling prices) is around 2%. The spread at the exchange offices at the airport will be slightly worse. You can also of course withdraw TL from ATMs which are everywhere in the city, but they will charge you an ATM fee (a few euros) and their spread will be even worse.

Credit cards: Almost every restaurant and store will accept Visa and MasterCard. American Express is not as common.

Blackboard vs. beamer: In the seminar room of IMBM, there are multiple blackboards and a projector screen. It is possible to use the projector and write on the boards at the same time.

Wireless internet: There is free wireless internet on the Boğaziçi University campus, including IMBM. There is no password.

Visa to Turkey: Most of the participants coming from abroad will need a visa to enter Turkey. However, this is a rather trivial matter. Recently it has become possible to obtain an e-visa online before departure and this is the recommended route. It remains an option to obtain the visa on arrival at the airport. Once you land in Istanbul, there will be a desk just before passport control. There you pay a visa fee (price depends on nationality) and get a stamp. (Note that there might be exceptions. Please double-check if you are not a US or EU citizen.)

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If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact the organizers Eric Bergshoeff , Nihat Sadık Değer, Jan Rosseel and Dieter Van den Bleeken

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