15 Aralık 2023

Hermitian eigenvalue problem and its generalization to any semisimple group: A survey

Shrawan Kumar
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Abstract: The classical Hermitian eigenvalue problem asks the following question: What are the possible eigenvalues of the sum A + B of two n × n Hermitian matrices A and B, provided we fix the eigenvalues of A and B. A systematic study of this problem was initiated by H. Weyl (1912). By the contributions from a long list of mathematicians, notably Weyl (1912), Horn (1962), Klyachko (1998) and Knutson-Tao (1999), the problem was finally settled. The solution asserts that the eigenvalues of A + B are given in terms of certain system of linear inequalities in the eigenvalues of A and B. These inequalities are given explicitly in terms of certain triples of Schubert classes in the singular cohomology of Grassmannians and the standard cup product. The Hermitian eigenvalue problem has been extended by Berenstein-Sjamaar (2000) and Kapovich-Leeb-Millson (2005) for any semisimple complex algebraic group G. Their solution is again in terms of linear inequalities obtained from certain triples of Schubert classes in the singular cohomology of the partial flag varieties G/P (P being a maximal parabolic subgroup) and the standard cup product. However, their solution is far from being optimal. In a joint work with P. Belkale, we have given an optimal solution of the problem for any G. We define a deformation of the cup product in the cohomology of G/P and use this new product to generate certain inequalities which optimally solves the problem for any G. The talk should be accessible to general mathematical audience.

13 Ekim 2023

Mathematics Days VII

10-11 Ekim 2023

WGT-Workshop on Graph Theory and Its Applications-XI


IMBM matematiğin çeşitli alanlarında araştırma yapılması amacıyla kurulmuş bir merkezdir. Merkez gerekli yer, zaman ve hizmetleri sunarak araştırmacıların birlikte çalışacağı bir ortam yaratmayı hedefler. Mevcut araştırma merkezleri ve enstitüler ile ortaklaşa çalışmalar yapar.

Bağımsız bir kurum olmakla birlikte, kampüsünde yer aldığı Boğaziçi Üniversitesi ile sıkı bir işbirliği içindedir.

Merkezin ders programları yoktur, diploma vermez. Bununla birlikte lisansüstü seminerler ve doktora sonrası çalışmaları aracıyla genç matematikçilerin yetişmesine katkıda bulunmayı hedefler. Bir başka amacı da kamuda matematiksel bilincin gelişmesine katkıda bulunmaktır.

IMBM mali kaynağını bağış geliri, kamu ve özel kuruluşlar ile işbirliği anlaşmaları, şirket ve bireylerin bağışları yoluyla elde eder. Matematikçilerin bütçesi merkezden, kendi çalıştıkları kurumlardan veya işbirliği içinde olunan araştırma merkezleri, enstitüler ve üniversiteler gibi çeşitli kaynaklardan sağlanır.

IMBM iki komite tarafından yönetilir.

Kısa Tarihçe

Merkezimizin kurucularından ve ilk eş yöneticilerinden Betül Tanbay tarafından sunulan (2006-2012 yılları arasında hizmet verilen) ve EMS Bülten Eylül 2010'da yayınlanan merkezimizin kuruluş yıllarının kısa bir tarihçesine şu adresten ulaşabilirsiniz.


IMBM destek veren kuruluşların da temsil edildiği İşletme Komitesi tarafından idare edilir. İşletme Komitesi yönetim ve mali konular ile ilgilenir. Uluslararası araştırma gücü kabul edilmiş üyelerden oluşan Bilimsel Yönlendirme Komitesi bilimsel stratejileri ve programları belirler. Uluslararası Bilimsel Danışma Komitesi bilimsel program ve diğer faaliyetleri değerlendirir.


Eş Yöneticiler

Ekin Özman - Turgay Bayraktar2022 -

Mete Soner - Betül Tanbay2006 - 2008
Betül Tanbay - Ali Ülger 2008 - 2010
Rahmi Güven - Betül Tanbay 2010 - 2012
Ferit Öztürk - Mete Soner2012 - 2016
Kazım Büyükboduk - Ferit Öztürk2016 - 2017
Ferit Öztürk - Burak Özbağcı 2017 - 2019
Olcay Coşkun - Selda Küçükçiftçi2019 - 2022
Ekin Özman - Turgay Bayraktar2022 -

Yönetim Kurulu

Alp BassaBoğaziçi Üniversitesi
Kazım BüyükbodukUC Dublin
Olcay CoşkunBoğaziçi ÜniversitesiEş Yönetici (2019-şu an)
Tınaz EkimBoğaziçi Üniversitesi
Ayhan GünaydınBoğaziçi Üniversitesi
Burak GürelBoğaziçi Üniversitesi
Varga KalantarovKoç Üniversitesi
Özgür KişiselMiddle East Technical Üniversitesi
Selda KüçükçifçiKoç ÜniversitesiEş Yönetici (2019-şu an)
Burak ÖzbağcıKoç Üniversitesi
Ekin ÖzmanBoğaziçi Üniversitesi
Ferit ÖztürkBoğaziçi Üniversitesi
Devin SezerODTÜ Uygulamalı Matematik Enstitüsü
Ergün YalçınBilkent Üniversitesi

Feza Sefa ArslanMimar Sinan Üniversitesi2012 - 2016
Alp BassaBoğaziçi Üniversitesi2012 -
Kazım BüyükbodukUC Dublin2016 -
Olcay CoşkunBoğaziçi Üniversitesi2019 -
Alp EdenBoğaziçi Üniversitesi2006 - 2012
Tınaz EkimBoğaziçi Üniversitesi2016 -
Ayhan GünaydınBoğaziçi Üniversitesi2016 -
Burak GürelBoğaziçi Üniversitesi2016 -
Varga KalantarovKoç Üniversitesi2016 -
Özgür KişiselOrta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi2016 -
Selda KüçükçifçiKoç Üniversitesi2019 -
Burak ÖzbağcıKoç Üniversitesi2016 -
Ekin ÖzmanBoğaziçi Üniversitesi2016 -
Ferit ÖztürkBoğaziçi Üniversitesi2012 -
Devin SezerODTÜ Uygulamalı Matematik Enstitüsü2016 -
Mete SonerBilkent Üniversitesi2006 - 2012
Betül TanbayBoğaziçi Üniversitesi2006 - 2012
Ali ÜlgerKoç Üniversitesi2006 - 2012
Sinan ÜnverKoç Üniversitesi2012 - 2016
Ergün YalçınBilkent Üniversitesi2016 -
Cem Yalçın YıldırımBoğaziçi Üniversitesi2006 - 2012
Atilla YılmazBoğaziçi Üniversitesi2012 - 2016

Bilimsel Danışma Komitesi

Victor KacMIT
David MumfordBrown Üniversitesi
Mete SonerETH
Gilles PisierTexas A&M Üniversitesi
Edriss TitiWeizmann Enstitüsü ve California Irvine Üniversitesi
Cem Yalçın YıldırımBoğaziçi Üniversitesi

Selman AkbulutMichigan State Üniversitesi2006 - 2016
Victor KacMIT2006 -
David MumfordBrown Üniversitesi2006 -
Mete SonerETH2016 -
Gilles PisierTexas A&M Üniversitesi2006 -
Edriss TitiWeizmann Enstitüsü ve California Irvine Üniversitesi2006 -
Cem Yalçın YıldırımBoğaziçi Üniversitesi2016 -

Kurucu Üyeler
KişilerKurum (Kuruluş aşamasındaki)Görev
Selman AkbulutMichigan State ÜniversitesiDanışman
Attila AşkarKoç ÜniversitesiRektör
Rahmi GüvenBoğaziçi Üniversitesi
Ayşe SoysalBoğaziçi ÜniversitesiDekan ve Rektör
Betül TanbayBoğaziçi ÜniversitesiBaşkan
Sabih TansalBoğaziçi ÜniversitesiRektör
Tosun TerzioğluSabancı ÜniversitesiRektör
Ali ÜlgerKoç Üniversitesi

Bilimsel Yönlendirme Komitesi
2016'dan itibaren durduruldu. Bilimsel yönlendirme komitesinin görevleri, yönetim komitesine devredildi.
KişilerKurum (Kuruluş aşamasındaki)Yıllar
Attila Aşkar Koç Üniversitesi2006 - 2016
Alp EdenBoğaziçi Üniversitesi2012-2016
Rahmi GüvenBoğaziçi Üniversitesi2006-2016
Mete SonerETH2006-2016
Betül TanbayBoğaziçi Üniversitesi2012-2016
Tosun TerzioğluSabancı Üniversitesi2006-2012
Ali ÜlgerKoç Üniversitesi2006-2016
Cem Yalçın YıldırımBoğaziçi Üniversitesi2012-2016



Pınar AdanalıBoğaziçi Üniversitesi2016 - 2018
Berrenur SaylamBoğaziçi Üniversitesi2018 - 2022


IMBM aşağıdaki üniversiteler/enstitüler tarafından desteklenmiştir. Aldığımız desteğe teşekkür ederiz.

Faaliyet Raporları

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3 Eylül 2020

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24 Eylül 2019

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10 Ekim 2018

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01 Eylül 2014

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09 Kasım 2012

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13 Nisan 2012

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IŞBAP toplantısı

4 Nisan 2012

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17 Aralık 2010

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Merkezdeki ilk seminerden

12 Ekim 2006

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Merkezdeki ilk seminerden

12 Ekim 2006

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Merkezdeki ilk seminerden

12 Ekim 2006

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Açılış günü

19 Ekim 2006

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Açılış günü

19 Ekim 2006

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Açılış günü

19 Ekim 2006

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Açılış günü

19 Ekim 2006

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Açılış günü

19 Ekim 2006

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Açılış günü

19 Ekim 2006

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İlk toplantı

28 Mayıs 2004

Rahmi Güven, Betül Tanbay, Ali Ülger, Attila Aşkar, Tosun Terzioğlu, Ayşe Soysal

Ziyaretçiler için Bilgiler

İstanbul çok büyük bir şehir ancak geniş bir toplu taşıma ağına sahiptir. Ulaşım ücretleri oldukça makuldür. Bir yerden diğerine gitmek uzun sürebilir, gözünüzü korkutmayın, sabırlı olun. Seçtiğiniz rotaya bağlı olarak metro, metrobüs, otobüs, dolmuş, HAVABUS, taksi ya da bunların birlikte kullanımı mümkündür. Bazı ipuçları şu şekilde:

Araçlarda bilet satın alamazsınız. Toplu taşımayı birçok kez kullanmayı planlıyorsanız, şehrin her yerindeki metro istasyonlarında veya büfelerde bulunan bir otomattan ön ödemeli bir ISTANBULKART satın alın. İstanbulKart satın alırken, iade edilmeyen 6 TL'lik bir ücret (asıl kart ve hizmet için) artı karta yüklemek için seçtiğiniz bir miktar ödemelisiniz. İstanbulKart kullanırsanız otomatik olarak transfer indirimi alırsınız. Hava alanlarından gelmek / hava alanlarına gitmek dışında toplu taşıma kullanmayacaksanız, içinde birkaç yolculuk olan kartlar satın alabilirsiniz. Bu kartlarla transfer indiriminiz yoktur.

Taksiler genelde güvenilirdir ancak yine de şoförün sayacı açtığından emin olun.

Aşağıda verilen yolculuk süreleri ve fiyatlandırmaları ortalamadır. Trafiğin durumuna göre değişebilmektedir.

İstanbul Havalimanı (IST) ve Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Kuzey ve Güney Kampüsleri İstanbul'un Avrupa yakasındadır.

Sabiha Gökçen Uluslararası Havalimanı (SAW) İstanbul'un Asya yakasında yer almaktadır.

IMBM ve Kennedy Lodge Güney Kampüstedir.

IMBM, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Güney Kampüsü'nde yer almaktadır. Güney Kampüsün ana girişinden Merkeze ulaşmak için aşağıdaki Harita.1'deki kırmızı yolu takip edin.



Güney Kampüste, yukarıdaki Harita.1'de turuncu daire ile işaretlenmiştir. Kampüsün güvenlik görevlilerine yolunuzu sorabilirsiniz.

Güney Kampüste, yukarıdaki Harita.1'de mavi daire ile işaretlenmiştir. Kampüsün güvenlik görevlilerine yolunuzu sorabilirsiniz.

Güney Kampüste, yukarıdaki Harita.1'de beyaz daire ile işaretlenmiştir. Kampüsün güvenlik görevlilerine yolunuzu sorabilirsiniz.

Bu bina Kuzey kampüsünde yer almaktadır. Güney Kampüs'ün ana kapısına ulaştığınızda, aşağıdaki Harita 2'de gösterilen turuncu rotayı takip edin. Kuzey Kampüs'ün güvenlik görevlilerine yolunuzu sorabilirsiniz. 3 numaralı Yurda gideceğinizi söyleyin.



İSTANBUL HAVALİMANI'NDAN (IST) GÜNEY KAMPÜSÜNE - Bu havalimanı ve Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Avrupa yakasındadır. Kampüse gitmek için farklı yollar bulunmaktadır.

1) HAVAİST + METRO: Gelen yolcu salonundan çıkın. Binanın önünden 18 Lira tutarındaki Hacıosman veya 4. Levent'e götüren Havaist'e binin. Hacıosman veya 4. Levent'ten M2 metro hattına binip Levent İstasyonu'nda M6 hattına geçin. Son durak olan Boğaziçi Üniversitesi'nde inin.



2) HAVAİST + TAXI: Geliş salonundan çıkın. Binanın önünden 18 Lira tutarındaki 4.Levent'e götüren Havaist'e binin. Oradan sarı bir taksiye binin. Sürücüye "Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Güney Kampüs" e gitmek istediğinizi söyleyin. Kampüse varış yaklaşık 15 dakika sürer ve maliyeti 25 Lira'dır.

3) TAKSİ (kolay, ancak genellikle daha yavaş): Geliş salonundan çıkın. Binanın önüne (sarı) taksilerden birine binin. Sürücüye "Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Güney Kampüs" e gitmek istediğinizi söyleyin. Kampüse gitmek yaklaşık 45 dakika sürer ve maliyeti 140 Lira'dır.

SABİHA GÖKÇEN ULUSLARARASI HAVALİMANI'NDAN (SAW) GÜNEY KAMPÜSÜNE - Üniversite Avrupa yakasında iken bu havalimanı Asya yakasında.

1) OTOBÜS + TAKSİ: Geliş salonundan çıkın. Binanın önünde E3 numaralı otobüse binin. Sabiha Gökçen Havalimanı - 4. Levent Metrosu yazmaktadır. Bir İstanbulKart veya içinde birkaç yolculuk olan bir kart satın almalısınız. Son durakta ineceksiniz. Yolculuk, trafiğe bağlı olarak bir saatten fazla ve hatta daha fazla sürer. Yol üzerinde Boğaz'ı geçeceksiniz. Otobüsten iner inmez caddenin karşısına geçmek için yeraltı geçidini kullanın. (Ya) Diğer tarafta (sarı) bir taksiye binin. Şoföre sizi "Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Güney Kampüs" e götürmesini söyleyin. Kampüse varış yaklaşık 15 dakika sürer ve maliyeti 25 Lira civarındadır. (Veya) Levent metro istasyonuna kadar aynı yönde yürümeye devam edin. Metro M6 ile Boğaziçi Üniversitesi'ne gidin. Son durakta inin.

2) HAVATAŞ + TAKSİ: Gelen yolcu salonundan çıkın. Binanın önünden HAVATAŞ adlı servisle Kavacık'a gidin. Yaklaşık 15 liraya mal oluyor. Yolculuk trafiğe bağlı olarak yaklaşık bir saat ve hatta daha fazla sürer. İner inmez çok işlek bir şehirlerarası yolda olacaksınız. Mevcut (sarı) taksilerden birine binin. Mekik ile aynı yöne gideceksiniz ve sonunda Boğaz'ı geçeceksiniz. Şoföre sizi "Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Güney Kampüs" e götürmesini söyleyin. Kampüse varmış yaklaşık 15 dakika sürer ve ücreti 20 Lira civarındadır.


Posta Adresi

İstanbul Matematiksel Bilimler Merkezi

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Güney Kampüs


34342 İstanbul


Tel: +90-212-359-7477

+90-212-359-6602 (Matematik Bölümü - merkezin kapalı olması durumuna karşı)

Fax: +90-212-359-7478

E-mail: imbm [at] imbm.org.tr

Detaylı Kampüs Haritası

Etkinlik Başvurusu

İstanbul Matematiksel Bilimler Merkezi'ni ziyaret etmek ya da etkinlik düzenleme talebinde bulunmak için lütfen aşağıdaki formlardan uygun olanını doldurunuz.

Konferans ve çalıştay başvurusu

Birden çok konuşma içeren tüm etkinlikler için konferans ve çalıştay formunu doldurunuz.

Konferans başvurularını etkinlik tarihinden 5 hafta kadar önce yapmanız planlama için uygun olacaktır. Başvuru öncesi başvuru formunda bulunan takvimden Merkez'in uygunluğunu kontrol etmenizi öneririz. Merkez'den konaklama talebinde bulunmak için konaklama yapacak araştırmacıların bilgilerini başvuru formuna eklemenizi bekliyoruz.

İkili çalışma başvurusu

Tüm diğer etkinlikler için (yalnız bir seminer ya da ikili çalışmalar için) ikili çalışma formunu doldurunuz.

Başvuruları etkinlik tarihinden 5 hafta kadar önce yapmanız planlama için uygun olacaktır. Başvuru öncesi başvuru formunda bulunan takvimden Merkez'in uygunluğunu kontrol etmenizi öneririz. Merkez'den konaklama talebinde bulunmak için konaklama yapacak araştırmacının bilgilerini başvuru formuna eklemenizi bekliyoruz.

Ziyaretçi Girişi Formu

Kampüse giriş yapılabilmesi için etkinlik ev sahibi tarafından 1 gün önceye kadar Katılımcı Kaydı formunun doldurulması gerekmektedir.

Düzenli Tekrarlayan Seminerler

  • Organizatörler: Alp Bassa, Özgür Kişisel
  • Webpage
  • Organizatörler: Olcay Coşkun
  • Webpage
  • Organizatörler: Olcay Coşkun, Mehmet Arslan
  • Webpage
  • Organizatörler: Ümit Işlak, Fatih Demirkale
  • Webpage
  • Organizatörler: Özlem Ejder, Yasemin Kara, Ekin Özman
  • Webpage
  • Organizatörler: Ümit Işlak
  • Webpage
  • Organizatörler: Özlem Beyarslan
  • Webpage
  • Organizatörler: Alp Bassa, Türkü Özlem Çelik, Özgür Esentepe, Ali Özgür Kişisel
  • Webpage
  • Organizatörler: Didem Gözüpek, Tınaz Ekim
  • Webpage


Geçmiş Etkinlikler

  • On December 28th 2012: "Quantum Field Theory Meetings" hold. Please click here for the poster.
  • On December 28th 2012: Matthias Kreck from Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, Bonn gave a talk titled "Real 3-manifolds and Codes". Please click here for the poster.
  • On December 22nd 2012: Aaron Silberstein from University of Pennsylvaniawill gave a talk titled "Varieties determined by their étale fundamental groups". Please click here for the poster.
  • On December 21st 2012: "Quantum Field Theory Meetings" hold. Please click here for the poster.
  • On December 17th  – December 21st 2012, Aaron Silberstein from University of Pennsylvania gave a series of lectures on “Anabelian Geometry over Algebraically Closed Fields”. Please click here for the program.
  • On December 14th 2012: "Quantum Field Theory Meetings" hold. Please click here for the poster.
  • On December 7th 2012: "Quantum Field Theory Meetings" hold. Please click here for the poster.
  • On November 30th 2012: "Quantum Field Theory Meetings" hold. Please click here for the poster.
  • On November 28th 2012: "Discrete Mathematics Meetings" hold. Please click here for the poster.
  • On November 23rd 2012: "Quantum Field Theory Meetings" hold. Please click here for the poster.
  • On November 16th 2012: "Quantum Field Theory Meetings" hold. Please click here for the poster.
  • On November 9th 2012: David E. Nadler from University of California, Berkeley gave a talk titled "Traces and Loops". Please click here for the poster.
  • On November 2nd 2012: "Quantum Field Theory Meetings" hold. Please click here for the poster.
  • On October 19th 2012: "Quantum Field Theory Meetings" hold. Please click here for the poster.
  • On October 11th - 12th 2012: a workshop hold titled "Graph Theory and Applications Workshop III". Please click  here for detailed information.
  • On October 8th 2012: Instituto de Matemáticas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México'dan gave a talk titled "φ and σ: from Euler to Erdös". Please click here for the poster.
  • On October 5th 2012: "Quantum Field Theory Meetings" were held. Please click here for the poster.
  • On October  1st 2012: Joel Spencer from Courant Institute, New York gave a talk titled "Two Needles in Exponential Haystacks". Please click here for the poster.
  • On September 28th 2012: "Quantum Field Theory Meetings" were held. Please click here for the poster.
  • On September 20th 2012: Robert Boltje from University of California, Santa Cruz gave a talk titled "Monoid Algebras and Category Algebras". Please click here for the poster.
  • On August 7th - 10th 2012: a workshop were held titled "Interfaces of Noncommutative Geometry with the Representation Theory of Hopf Algebras and Artin Algebras". Please click here for the poster.  
  • On July 16th - 20th 2012: an international probability workshop were held, titled "Random Networks & Environments". Please click here for the poster.
  • On July 2nd 2012: Richard S. Ellis from University of Massachusetts Amherst gave a talk titled "From Large Deviations to Statistical Mechanics: What Is the Most Likely Way for an Unlikely Event To Happen?". Please click here for the poster.
  • On June 29th - 30th 2012: a workshop were held titled "Workshop on Group Functors". Please click here for the poster.
  • On June 18th 2012: Rainer Kress from University of Göttingen gave a talk titled "Iterative Methods In Inverse Obstacle Scattering Revisited". Please click here for the poster.
  • On June 7th - 8th 2012: "IMBM Math Days" were held. Please click here for the poster.
  • On June 6th 2012: Paul Koerber from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven gave a talk titled "Consistent Reductions of M-Theory". Please click here for the poster.
  • On June 4th 2012: Ciprian Manolescu from University of California, Los Angeles gave a talk titled "Combinatorial Heegaard Floer Theory". Please click here for the poster.
  • On May 11th 2012: Joris Raeymaekers from Prague Institute of Physics gave a talk titled "Conical Spaces in Higher Spin Gravity". Please click here for the poster.
  • On April 27th 2012: Josef Leydold from Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien gave a talk titled "Sign Patterns of Graph Laplacian Eigenvectors". Please click here for the poster.
  • On April 14th 2012: Cem Yalçın Yıldırım from Boğaziçi University gave a talk titled "A Survey of Recent Results on Small Gaps Between Primes". Please click here for the poster.
  • On April 13th 2012: Alberto Grünbaum from University of California, Berkeley gave a talk titled "Quantum Walks, Limit Theorems and Recurrence". Please click here for the poster.
  • On April 10th 2012: Gábor Domokos from Budapest University of Technology and Economics gave a talk titled "Pebbles, Turtles and the Gömböc: Natural Numbers and Natural Shapes". Please click here for the poster.
  • On April 9th 2012: Mahdi Torabian from ICTP, Trieste gave a talk titled "M-Theory on Singular G2-Manifolds, Phenomenology and Cosmology of the Vacua". Please click here for the poster.
  • On April 6th 2012: Fatihcan Atay from Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig gave a talk titled "Dynamic Systems on Graphs". Please click here for the poster.
  • On March 2nd 2012: Bernard Ries from Université Paris Dauphine, LAMSADE gave a talk titled "On the use of graphs in discrete tomography." Please click here for the poster.
  • On February 17th 2012: Arman Boyacı from Boğaziçi University gave a talk titled "Some graph classes related to telecommunicaton networks". Please click here for the poster.
  • On February 9th 2012: Henning Samtleben from Université de Lyon, ENS gave a talk titled "New Superconformal Models In Six Dimensions". Please click here for the poster.
  • On February 2nd 2012: M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari from IPM, Tehran gave a talk titled "Gauge-Flation: Non-Abelian Gauge Field Inflation". Please click here for the poster.
  • On January 20th 2012: Öznur Yaşar Diner from Kadir Has University gave a talk titled "Graph Search Problem. Please click here for the poster.
  • On January 10th 2012: Bernard Helffer from Université Paris Sud gave a talk titled "Spectral Properties of Schrödinger Operators with Magnetic Fields in the Semi-Classical Regime". Please click here for the poster.
  • On January 9th 2012: Bernard Helffer from Université Paris Sud gave a talk titled "An Introduction to Minimal Spectral Partitions". Please click here for the poster.
  • On January 3rd 2012: Ryan O'Donnell from Carnegie Mellon University gave a talk titled "Noise Stability of Boolean Functions". Please click here for the poster.
  • On December 30th 2011: Mert Gürbüzbalaban from Courant Institute gave a talk titled "Algorithms for Approximating the H Norm". Please click here for the poster.
  • On December 23rd 2011: Onur Gün from Weierstrass Institute gave a talk titled "Parabolic Anderson Model with Finite Number of Moving Catalysts". Please click herefor the poster.
  • On December 16th 2011: Süleyman Üstünel from ENST, Paris gave a talk titled "Entropic Considerations on Wiener Space". Please click here for the poster.
  • On November 25th 2011: Savaş Dayanık from Bilkent University gave a talk titled "Quickest Detection of a Sudden Change in the Law of a Compound Poisson Process". Please click here for the poster.
  • On November 18th 2011: Lale Özkahya from Bilgi University gave a talk titled "Extreme Problems in Graph Theory and its Applications on Hypercube". Please click here for the poster.
  • On October 31st 2011: Marta Sanz-Solé from University of Barcelona gave a talk titled "Sets Visited by Random Paths". Please click here for the poster.
  • On October 21st 2011: Anthony Lau from University of Alberta gave a talk titled "Positive Definite Function and Fourier-Stieltjes Algebra of a Locally Compact Group". Please click here for the poster. 
  • On October 7th 2011: Şerban Strătilă from Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy gave a talk titled "Dixmier Sets, Numerical Ranges, Commutation and Splitting Theorems". Please click here for the poster.
  • On August 2nd 2011: Sorin Dascalescu from University of Bucharest gave a talk titled “Hopf Algebras with Non-zero Integrals, Path Subcoalgebras and Quantum Groups”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On July 20th, “Workshop on Algebras on Discrete Structures” hold. Please click here for the program.
  • On July 12th – July 15th 2011, “Noncommutative Geometry Workshop” hold. Please click here for the program.
  • On July 7th 2011: Viktor Ginzburg from University of California, Santa Cruz gave a talk titled “Conley Conjecture and Beyond: Infinitely Many Periodic Points of Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On July 1st 2011: Matthew Kleban from New York University gave a talk titled “Watching Worlds Collide”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On June 29th 2011: Jie Shen from Purdue University gave a talk titled “Phase-Field Models for Multiphase Complex Fluids: Modeling, Numerical Analysis and Simulations”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On June 29th 2011: Min Chen from Purdue University gave a talk titled “Boussinesq Systems for Water Waves”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On June 15th 2011: Massimo Porrati from New York University gave a talk titled “Surprises with Interacting High Spin Particles”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On June 13th – June 14th 2011: “Tenth Colloquiumfest On Valuation Theory and Algebraic Geometry” hold. Please click here for the program.
  • On June 7th – June 11th 2011: “Finite Groups and Their Automorphisms” hold. Please click here for the poster.
  • On June 6th 2011: Conan Leung from The Chinese University of Hong Kong gave a talk titled “SYZ Mirror Symmetry”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On May 25th 2011: Shu Sasaki from King's College, London gave a talk titled “Mod 5 Icosahedral Representations and Applications to a Conjecture of Artin”. Please click herefor the poster.
  • On May 16th 2011: Çağatay Kutluhan from Columbia University gave a talk titled “Heegard Floer Meets Seiberg-Witten”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On May 13th 2011: Müge Kanuni from Bogazici University gave a talk titled “Algebras and Graphs”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On May 11th  – May 12th 2011: Denis Cheniot from Universite d'Aix Marseille I gave a series of lectures on “Topology of Algebraic Varieties and Their Complements”. Please click here for the program.
  • On May 9th – May 13th 2011: “Mini Workshop On The Kadison-Singer Problem” hold. Please click here for the program.
  • On May 2nd – May 6th 2011: “İstanbul Contact and Symplectic Topology Workshop” hold. Please click here for the program.
  • On April 15rd 2011: Güneş Erçal from University of California gave a talk titled “Topics in Randomized Algorithms”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On March 11rd 2011: Tadashi Ochiai from Osaka University gave a talk titled “Iwasawa Theory for Hida Deformations of GL(2)”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On February 7th - 8th 2011: Henning Samtleben from Université de Lyon, ENS gave a series of lectures on String Theory. Please click here for the program.
  • On February 4th 2011: Jens Hoppe from Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, GAVE a talk titled Fundamental Structures of M(-brane) Theory. Please click here for the poster.
  • On December 23rd 2010, Volker Runde from Alberta University gave a talk titled “Big Things Are Rarely Amenable”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On December 17th 2010, Selman Akbulut from Michigan State University gave a talk titled “Dolgachev Surfaces”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On December 13th 2010, John Morgan from Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at Stony Brook University gave a talk titled “The Poincaré Conjecture and The Nature of 3-Manifolds”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On November 26th 2010, Elvan Ceyhan from Koç University gave a talk titled “Domination Number of Random Proximity Catch Digraphs: Theory and Applications”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On November 4th 2010, Xavier Bressaud from Université de Toulouse and Galatasaray University gave a talk titled “Self-similar Tilings and Local Rules:The Tribonacci Case”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On October 28th 2010, George Barker from University of Missouri gave a talk titled “Lattices of Faces of a Finite Dimensional Cone”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On October 22nd 2010, George Barker from University of Missouri gave a talk titled “Graphs and Cone Preserving Maps”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On October 14th – October 19th 2010, Christian Kassel from Université de Strasbourg and CNRS gave a series of lectures titled “Noncommutative Principal Fiber Bundles”. Please click here for the program.
  • On August 25th – August 27th 2010, “Nonlinear Dispersive Equations” conference hold. For more information, please check here.
  • On July 22nd 2010, at 15:00, Cosmas Zachos from Argonne National Laboratory (USA) gave a talk titled “Holographic Interpolation and Schroeder’s Equation”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On July 3rd – July 5th 2010, “Algebra Workshop II” hold in honour of Prof. Cemal Koç. Please click here for the program.
  • On June 25th - June 27th 2010, "Noncommutative Geometry Days in Istanbul Workshop" hold. For more information, please check here regularly.
  • On June 7th - June 10th 2010 “İstanbul Contact Geometry and Topology Workshop” hold. For more information, please check here regularly.
  • On June 7th 2010, at 11:00, David Gabai from Princeton University gave a talk titled “Volumes of Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds” at Natuk Birkan Auditorium. Please click here for the poster.
  • On June 1st - 3rd 2010, Bijan Bagchi from University of Calcutta gave a series of lectures on “Isospectrality of Conventional and New Extended Rational Potentials in Quantum Mechanics”. Please click here for the program.
  • On May 24th – 27th 2010, Nikolai Nikolski from Université de Bordeaux I and Steklov Institute of Mathematics gave a short intensive course titled “The Kadison-Singer Problem, the State of the Art”. Please click here for the program.
  • On May 21st 2010, at 14:00, Cihan Saçlıoğlu from Sabancı University gave a talk titled “4-Manifolds and Us”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On May 14th 2010, at 11:00, Ali Pusane from Boğaziçi University gave a talk titled “Graphs in Modern Coding Theory”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On April 30th 2010, at 11:00, Chris Rodger from Auburn University gave a talk titled “Small Cycle Systems”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On April 28th 2010, at 16:15, Enrique Zuazua from Basque Center for Applied Mathematics gave a talk titled “Large Time Asymptotics for Partially Dissipative Hyperbolic Systems”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On April 27th 2010, at 14:00, Enrique Zuazua from Basque Center for Applied Mathematics gave a talk titled “Control of Heat Processes: Theory and Numerics”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On April 14th 2010, at 14:00, Kazunori Nakamoto from University of Yamanashi gave a talk titled “Toward a new construction of D5–singularities”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On April 8th 2010, at 15:00, Robin Wilson from Open University (UK) gave a talk titled “Four Colors Suffice”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On April 2nd 2010, at 11:00, Mordo Shalom from Tel Hai Academic College (Israel) gave a talk titled “Switching Cost in Optical Networks and Traffic Grooming”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On March 26th 2010, at 14:00, Sergey Zelik from University of Surrey gave a talk titled “Vanishing Viscosity Method for Rate-independent Processes with Non-convex Potentials”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On March 26th 2010, at 11:00, Ulrich Tamm from Marmara University gave a talk titled “Tilings and Packings of the n-space by Cubes with Applications in Coding and Graph Theory”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On March 10th 2010, at 10:00, IMBM host two talks in the honor of Lê Dũng Tráng. The talks was around Theory of Singularities. Please find attached the program.
  • On February 29th 2010, at 11:00, Flavio d’Alessandro from University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ and Boğaziçi University gave a talk titled “Cerny Conjecture, Formal Languages, Synchronizing Automata”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On February 10th 2010, at 14:30, Henning Samtleben from Université de Lyon, ENS gave a talk titled “Gauged Supergravities and Flux Compactifications”. Please click herefor the poster.
  • On February 9th – 10th 2010 Henning Samtleben from Université de Lyon, ENS gave a series of lectures on “Gauged Supergravities”. Please click here for the program.
  • On January 13th 2010, at 14:00, Antony Scholl from Cambridge University gave a talk titled “Hypersurfaces and The Weil Conjectures”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On January 8th 2010, at 11:00, Benjamin Smith from Koç University gave a talk titled “Graph Decomposition Problems”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On December 25th 2009, at 14:00, Onur Gün from Université de Provence-Aix Marseille-I gave a talk titled “Universality of Transient Dynamics and Aging for Spin Glasses”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On December 18th 2009, at 15:00, Umut Gürsoy from Utrecht University gave a talk titled “The AdS/CFT Correspondence and QCD”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On November 16, 2009, at 11:00, Cem Güneri from Sabancı University gave a talk titled “Introduction to Coding Theory”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On October 16, 2009, at 14:00, Murad Özaydın from University of Oklahoma gave a two-hour talk titled “The Discrete Charms of Topology”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On October 16, 2009, at 11:30, Patrick Smith from University of Glasgow gave a talk titled “Chain Conditions in Modular Lattices”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On October 14, 2009, at 14:00, Ben Green from University of Cambridge gave a talk titled “Approximate Structure”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On September 8-11, 2009, there were a workshop on Group and Measure Algebras where Professor Garth Dales from the University of Leeds, gave 3 lectures. Please check the first, the second and the third abstract.
  • On July 2, 2009, at 15:00, Başak Gürel of Vanderbilt University gave a talk titled “Leaf-wise Coisotropic Intersections”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On July 2, 2009,  at 14:00 Viktor Ginzburg of University of California, Santa Cruz gave a talk titled “Differentiating Between Contact Structures: From Contact Homology to Elementary Invariants”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On June 15, 2009, at 14:00 Moshe Jarden from Tel Aviv University gave a talk titled “The Transfer Theorem”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On June 15-19, 2009, an Algebra Workshop hold at the center. Please click herefor the poster.
  • On June 5, 2009, at 11:00, Müge Taşkın of Boğaziçi University gave a talk titiled “An Introduction to Matroid Theory”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On June 2, 2009, at 15:00, Gang Tian of Princeton University gave a talk titled “Geometric and Analytic Aspects of 4-Manifolds”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On May 15, 2009, at 15:00, Fatih Ecevit of Boğaziçi University gave a talk titled “Helmholtz Equation: Computations, Geometry and Analysis”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On May 15, 2009, at 15:00, Burak Gürel of Boğaziçi University gave a talk titled “The Heat Equation: An Introduction to the Classical Theory”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On May 8, 2009, at 10:30, İbrahim Cahit Arkut of Near East University gave a talk titled “Dört Renk Teoremi’nin Uzun Tarihi ve Kısa Kanıtı”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On April 21, 2009, at 15:30, Sergey Zelik of University of Surrey gave a talk titled “On the Cahn-Hilliard Equation with an Inertial Term”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On April 17, 2009, at 10:30, Emine Şule Yazıcı of Koç University gave a talk titled “An introduction to Combinatorial Design Theory". Please click here for the poster.
  • On April 11, 2009 at 10:30, Andrew Waldron of University of California-Davis gave a talk titled “BRST Detour Quantization”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On April 10, 2009 at 14:00, Andrew Waldron of University of California-Davis gave a talk titled “Weyl Invariance and The Origins of Mass”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On April 6, 2009 Atilla Yılmaz gave an introductory lecture on “Large Deviations” in order to fully appreciate Prof. Varadhan’s talk.
  • On March 27, 2009, at 15:30 Varga Kalantarov of Koç University gave a talk titled “Strongly Damped Nonlinear Wave Equations”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On March 27, 2009, at 14:00 Faruk Güngör of İstanbul Technical University gave a talk titled “Varyasyonel Simetriler, Noether Teoremi ve Uygulamaları”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On March 27, 2009, at 11:00 Cesim Erten gave a talk titled "Bipartite Graphs, Combinatorial Problems, and An Application to Bioinformatics". Please click here for the poster.
  • On February 6, 2009 Henning Samtleben of University of Lyon, ENS gave a talk at the center entitled "String Theory, Extra dimensions and Hidden Symmetries". Please click here for the poster.
  • On February 5-6, 2009 Henning Samtleben of University of Lyon, ENS visited the center to give a set of lectures on "Supergravity". Please click here for the poster.
  • On December 3rd, Atilla Yılmaz of  Weizmann Institute of Science visited the center to give a talk entitled “Large Deviations for a Random Walk in a Random Environment”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On November 3rd, Günter Harder of Mathematisches Institut der Universitat Bonn gave a talk entitled “Congruences Between Eisenstein Classes and Cusp Forms”. Please click here for the poster.
  • On August 21st and 22nd, Thierry Cazenave visited IMBM to give series of talks entitled: “Introduction to Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations”Place and time: imbm seminar room, 10:00 – 12:00.
  • On July 9th, Wednesday, Gregor Weingart of Instituto de Matematicas UNAM, Unidad Cuernavaca visited the center to give a talk titled ‘’Geometric Structure on Manifolds”. Please click here for the poster of this talk.
  • On June 5th, Thursday, Yum – Tong Siu of Harvard University visited IMBM to give a talk entitled: “Effective Problems on Algebraic Geometry”. Please click here for the poster of this talk
  • Nader Masmoudi from Courant Institute visited the center on June 9th – 15th and gave a talk entitled “From Klein-Gordon-Zakharov to the Nonlinear Schrodinger”.
  • On May 26th – 30th, 2008, Nikolai K. Nikolski of University Bordeaux 1 gave a number of a short courses titled “The Efficient Inversion Problem (Numerization of Gelfand’s Theory). Please click here for detailed information.
  • Erhan Bayraktar from the University of Michigan visited the center between May 9th – 13th and on May 12th, at 2:30 pm he gave a talk entitled “A Unified Framework for Pricing Credit and Equity Derivatives”. Please click here for the poster of this talk. The paper is available at: http://arxiv.org/abs/0712.3617
  • Gilles Pisier of Texas A&M University and UPMC – Paris VI gave a talk entitled “Complex Interpolation Between Operator Spaces” on 14th May, Wednesday. Please click here for the poster of this talk.
  • On May 2nd Hüsnü Erbay of Işık University visited IMBM to give a talk titled “An Elementary Introduction to Nonlinear Dispersive Equations”. Please click here for the poster of this talk.
  • On December 10th, Monday, there was a "One – Day Analysis Meeting", on the occasion of Ali Ülger’s 60th birthday. Please click here for the program for the day.
  • On November 9th, Friday, there were consecutive talks under the title: "Geometry-Topology and Physics Seminars”. Please click here for detailed information.
  • On October 26th, Friday, P. E. Souganidis of University of Texas at Austin visited IMBM to give a talk titled "New Results on Homogenization". Please click here for the poster of this talk.
  • On October 19th, Friday,  Alp Eden of Boğaziçi University was at IMBM to give a talk titled “Standing Waves for 2D Almost Cubic NLS”. The detailed information can be found here.
  • On November 8th, Monday, Akio Fujii of Rikkyo University visited IMBM to give a talk on titled "On the Farely Series and the Hecke L-Functions". Please click here for the poster of this talk.
  • Viktor Ginzburg of UC Santa Cruz will visited IMBM on July 17th, Tuesday. Please click here for the poster of this talk.
  • On July 16th - 20th, there was a mini workshop on “Symmetries in M-Theory”. Please click here for detailed information.
  • Luis Caffarelli and Irene Gamba of University of Texas will visited IMBM on July 9th, Monday. Please click here for the poster of this talk.
  • On June 26th, Tuesday, at 3 pm, Victor Kac of MIT gave a talk titled “Quantization and Chiralization”. The poster of this talk can be found here.
  • On June 14th, Friday, Haseo Ki of Yonsei University will be visited IMBM to give a talk titled ”The Zeroes of Sums of the Riemann Zeta Function”. Please click here for the poster of this talk.
  • Selman Akbulut of Michigan State University visited IMBM to provide a talk titled ”Corks, Palfs and Other Good Things” on June, 8th, Friday at 2 pm. Please click here for the poster of this talk.
  • Burak Erdoğan of University of Illinois visited IMBM to give a talk titled “Dispersive Estimates for the Schrödinger Equation with a Magnetic Potential”, on June, 6th, Wednesday at 3:30 pm. Please click here for the poster of this talk.
  • There was a mini workshop titled “Effective Field and Gravity Theories” on 4th-5th, June, 2007. Please click here for detailed information about the organization.
  • Charles Akemann of UC Santa Barbara visited IMBM during May 15th-23rd for a mini workshop on the Kadison-Singer Conjecture. He gave a talk on May 18th, Friday. He was supported by the US National Committee for Mathematics.
  • On April 27th, Friday, Murat Sağlam of Boğaziçi University and Tolga Etgu of Koç University visited IMBM to give talks. The poster of the day can be found here.  
  • Nizar Touzi of Ecole Polytechnique visited IMBM on Friday, April 13, 2007.
  • From University of Surrey, Sergey Zelik talked on Navier-Stokes’ equations in unbounded domains on April 11, 2007.
  • Edriss S. Titi of UC, Irvine and Weizmann Institute, Israel, visited IMBM for a mini workshop on Navier-Stokes’ equations on April 6, 2007. He was supported by the US National Committee for Mathematics.
  • On March 30, 2007, Alex Iosevich from University of Missouri-Columbia gave a talk.
  • Reading Seminars in Partial Differential Equations, were held on every Friday at 10:00 during Spring 2007 semester. The program can be found here.
  • Geometry-Topology and Physics Seminars began on March 23, 2007. Click for the poster of the first seminar.
  • Peter Symonds from University of Manchester provided a talk on March 19, 2007.
  • On 12 January 2007 Varga Kalantarov of Koc University and Alp Eden of Bogazici University provided a talk on Cahn-Hilliard Equation. Click here for the poster of this talk.
  • Pierre Louis Lions gave a talk about his recent research topic on 17 November 2006. Here you can find the poster of this lecture.
  • Small Gaps Between Primes Workshop was held between 9 October and 13 October 2006. Supported by the US National Committee for Mathematics, Dan Goldston and Janos Pintz gave lectures on their joint research with Cem Yalçın Yıldırım.

August 19, 2020, 15.00
Algebra of G_2 Manifolds
Speaker: Mustafa Kalafat, Nesin Mathematics Village

Abstract: In this talk we will give a discussion on a program which aims to present a combinatorial approach to the exceptional Lie group G2 and its Lie algebra. We give various results about the algebraic structure. We also prove some of the old results in terms of our approach.

August 19, 2020, 15.00
Algebra of G_2 Manifolds
Speaker: Mustafa Kalafat, Nesin Mathematics Village

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